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I love working with professionals. It is the recurring theme in my professional life. After my Physics study and research years, Philips Medical felt like a warm bath. And yet, again and again, I chose something new, I chose the next challenge.


Change became a constant factor in my life. Also in my job, to change things, to adapt to new requirements and possibilities. I like to put the spade a layer deeper, preferably to the level of the mission and inspiration of people and the organization.


A theme that I feel very involved in, is the transition to a sustainable world, both socially and ecologically. I aim for a synthesis between sustainable and profitable, short and long term, and between individuals and businesses. That is behind the name Syntys.

Brief CV Bart van der Cammen MBM

- Master degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Groningen (drs)

- Master degree in Economics at Eindhoven University of Technology (MBM)

- Position as a research fellow in theoretical Physics (3 articles published)

- 10 years of Philips Medical Systems, from product management to director PMS NL

- 4 years director Philips Outdoor Lighting Europe, based in Lyon

- 3 years managing director Avebe Paper Chemicals in Veendam

- 3 years director FEI Applications & Commercial Services in Eindhoven

- Started in 2008 with my own agency for interim/project management and consulting

- As of 2014 also chair of the Supervisory Board at Woonpartners and lecturer at Fontys

- As of 2017 also active as a coach and completed courses for ICF and EMCC accreditation

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